Get started

API Endpoint

The DRX Connect API empowers developers with the capability to access and retrieve crucial information such as patient data, appointment details, and more from a clinic. This documentation outlines the steps to obtain an API key, enabling seamless integration with the DRX Connect platform. Additionally, it provides guidelines on essential operations, including record retrieval, updating appointment status, and applying filters.

Obtaining an API Key

To use the DRX Connect API, you must first obtain an API Key. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Admin Portal on : Navigate to the admin portal to initiate the API key request process.
  2. Sign in to Your Clinic: Sign in to your clinic account using your credentials to access the necessary settings.
  3. Access 'My Account' Section: Within the 'My Account' section, locate and open the 'Settings' tab.
  4. Navigate to DRX Connect Profile: Look for the DRX Connect card within the 'Settings' tab and click to visit the DRX Connect profile.
  5. Enable DRX Connect Profile: If the DRX Connect profile is not enabled, activate it before proceeding with the API key request.
  6. Request API Key: Once the profile is enabled, you will find an option to request an API key. Click on 'Add API Key' to initiate the process.
  7. Create API Key: Provide essential information, including Site name, Server URL, and Contact email, to create your first API key.
  8. Key Generation: Your API key will be generated within a few minutes. Copy the generated key, as you will need it to authenticate your requests.
  9. Include API Key in Request Header: Append your request header with the API key value using the key name API-KEY to authenticate API requests.
  10. You can also try to open this

Exploring API Functionality

To explore and test the functionality of the DRX Connect API, you can refer to the following Postman documentation . This resource provides detailed information on various API endpoints, request parameters, and sample requests.

For any further assistance or inquiries, please contact our support team at [].

Note: Ensure that you handle your API key securely and follow best practices for API key management to protect sensitive information.

get doctor list

# Here is a curl example
--location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get doctor's list you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "results": [
            "doctorId": "DRX0000004"
            "doctorId": "DRX0000005"
            "doctorId": "DRX0000009"
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "totalPages": 5,
    "totalCount": 15


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
pageIndex Numeric (optional) Page number you want to fetch. Example: 1, 2, 3. Default value is 1
pageSize Numeric (optional) Number of records a page will contain max. Default value is 10


Field Type Description
results Array Contains results object
pageIndex Numeric Page number you are currently in.
pageSize Numeric Number of records in the current page.
hasNextPage Boolean True if there are more records after this collections.
hasPreviousPage Boolean True if there are more records before this collections.
totalPages Numeric Number of pages available.
totalCount Numeric Number of records available in total.
doctorId String Unique identifier of a patient.
firstName String First name of the patient.
lastName String Last name of the patient.
imageUrl String Patient image url. Returns Null if there is no image provided
gender String Gender of the patient. Null if no gender is selected
designation String Designation of the doctor.
specialization String Specializations of the doctor.

get a doctor

# Here is a curl example
--location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get a doctor details you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "doctorId": "DRX0000075",
    "gender": "Male",
    "email": "",
    "firstName": "Test",
    "lastName": "Malone",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "designation": null,
    "specialization": null


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
id String Unique idenitfier of the doctor


Field Type Description
doctorId String Unique identifier of a patient.
firstName String First name of the patient.
lastName String Last name of the patient.
email String Doctor's email address
imageUrl String Patient image url. Returns Null if there is no image provided
gender String Gender of the patient. Null if no gender is selected
designation String Designation of the doctor.
specialization String Specializations of the doctor.


# Here is a curl example
--location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get a doctor details you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "slots": [
            "startOnUtc": "2024-01-18T17:00:00Z",
            "endOnUtc": "2024-01-18T17:20:00Z"
            "startOnUtc": "2024-01-18T17:25:00Z",
            "endOnUtc": "2024-01-18T17:45:00Z"
    "warnings": [
        "Doctor has only 2 slots available"


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
id String Unique idenitfier of the doctor
onLocalDate DateStamp Schedule time for the appointment in user local time
timeZoneOffset Numeric Time difference of the user local time from UTC


Field Type Description
slots Array Array values of the slot objects.
warning Array An array containing warning messages if exists. This warning array can be empty.
startOnUtc DateTime UTC DateTime stamp for each slot start time.
endOnUtc DateTime UTC DateTime stamp for each slot end time.

get patient list

# Here is a curl example
--location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get patient's list you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "results": [
            "patientId": "DRX0000001"
            "patientId": "DRX0000002"
            "patientId": "DRX0000003"
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "totalPages": 20,
    "totalCount": 59


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
pageIndex Numeric (optional) Page number you want to fetch. Example: 1, 2, 3. Default value is 1
pageSize Numeric (optional) Number of records a page will contain max. Default value is 10


Field Type Description
results Array Contains results object
pageIndex Numeric Page number you are currently in.
pageSize Numeric Number of records in the current page.
hasNextPage Boolean True if there are more records after this collections.
hasPreviousPage Boolean True if there are more records before this collections.
totalPages Numeric Number of pages available.
totalCount Numeric Number of records available in total.
patientId String Unique identifier of a patient.
firstName String First name of the patient.
lastName String Last name of the patient.
imageUrl String Patient image url. Returns Null if there is no image provided
gender String Gender of the patient. Null if no gender is selected
dateOfBirth Date Date of birth in UTC/ISO string.
registeredOn DateTime Record creation date and time in UTC/ISO string.
phoneNumber String Patient's contact number.

get a patient by id

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get a patient's details by their unique identifier you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "patientId": "DRX0000002",
    "firstName": "Peter",
    "lastName": "Fane",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "gender": "Male",
    "dateOfBirth": "1994-12-31",
    "registeredOn": "2023-05-19T08:33:50.4148943Z",
    "phoneNumber": "+919876543210"


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
id String This is the patient's unique id provided by Digital Rx


Field Type Description
patientId String This is the patient's unique id provided by Digital Rx
firstName String First name of the patient.
lastName String Last name of the patient.
imageUrl String Patient image url. Returns Null if there is no image provided
gender String Gender of the patient. Null if no gender is selected
dateOfBirth Date Date of birth in UTC/ISO string.
registeredOn DateTime Record creation date and time in UTC/ISO string.
phoneNumber String Patient's contact number.

Get all appointments

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get a clinic's all appointments you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "results": [
        "appointmentUniqueId": "4fd22d0d-9b03-459b-8807-b1e31f0fae47"
        "appointmentUniqueId": "e893147d-daf3-4cbf-a745-79ecb0d12bfc"
        "appointmentUniqueId": "5e38cae5-e6f7-4a4f-a511-3240eeb73fe0"
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 3,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "totalPages": 286,
    "totalCount": 858


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
pageIndex Numeric (optional) Page number you want to fetch. Example: 1, 2, 3. Default value is 1
pageSize Numeric (optional) Number of records a page will contain max. Default value is 10


Field Type Description
results Array Contains results object
pageIndex Numeric Page number you are currently in.
pageSize Numeric Number of records in the current page.
hasNextPage Boolean True if there are more records after this collections.
hasPreviousPage Boolean True if there are more records before this collections.
totalPages Numeric Number of pages available.
totalCount Numeric Number of records available in total.
doctorId String Doctor unique identifier in DRX Platform.
doctorFirstName String Doctor's first name.
doctorLastName String Doctor's last name.
patientId String Patient unique identifier in DRX Platform.
patientFirstName String Patient's first name.
patientLastName String Patient's last name.
appointmentUniqueId String An appointment unique identifier in DRX Platform.
createdOn DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for record creation time.
scheduledAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment schedule time.
endAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment end time.
type String Appointment type. Valid types are: "VideoCall", "InPerson" & "Treatment"

get an appointment by uid

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get an appointment details you need to make a GET call to the following url :

    Result example :

    "comment": null,
    "callDurations": null,
    "completed": false,
    "cancelled": true,
    "cancellationReason": null,
    "cancelledBy": "Patient",
    "isFollowUp": false,
    "followUpDate": null,
    "isWalkIn": false,
    "bookedById": "DRX0000001",
    "patientId" : "DRX0000001",
    "doctorId" : "DRX0000005",
    "appointmentUniqueId": "4fd22d0d-9b03-459b-8807-b1e31f0fae47",
    "createdOn": "2023-06-22T13:42:14.853Z",
    "scheduledAt": "2023-07-19T04:08:21.42Z",
    "endAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
    "type": "VideoCall"


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
uid String This is the appointment unique identifier provided by Digital Rx


Field Type Description
comment String Comments provided by the patient. A patient can specify the reason to book appointment
callDurations Numeric A numeric value to total minutes a patient and doctor is connected to a session. This value is "Null" if the appointment is not completed or cancelled or even not the type of "VideoCall"
completed Boolean Returns True if the appointment is completed
cancelled Boolean Returns True if the appointment is cancelled
cancelledBy String Indicates who has cancelled the appointment. Possible values: "Doctor", "Patient" or "Clinic"
cancellationReason String Reason why a patient cancelled the appointment. Null if the appointment is not expired or the reason is not specified by the patient.
type String Appointment type. Valid types are: "VideoCall", "InPerson" & "Treatment"
patient Object Contains patient object with all patient informations.
patient.patientId String This is the patient's unique id provided by Digital Rx
patient.firstName String First name of the patient.
patient.lastName String Last name of the patient.
patient.imageUrl String Patient image url. Returns Null if there is no image provided
patient.gender String Gender of the patient. Null if no gender is selected
patient.dateOfBirth Date Date of birth in UTC/ISO string.
patient.registeredOn DateTime Record creation date and time in UTC/ISO string.
patient.phoneNumber String Patient's contact number.
doctor Object Contains doctor object with the doctor's informations.
doctor.doctorId String Doctor's unique idenitfier in DRX Platform.
doctor.gender String Doctor's gender. String Doctor's email address.
doctor.firstName String Doctor's first name.
doctor.lastName String Doctor's last name.
doctor.imageUrl String Doctor's image source.
doctor.designation String Doctor's desigfnation.
doctor.specialization String Doctor's specializations.
appointmentUniqueId String Unique identifier of this appointment.
createdOn DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment booked time.
scheduledAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment scheduled time.
endAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment end time.

Get all appointments of a patient

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \

To get all appointments of a patient you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Result example :

    "results": [
        "appointmentUniqueId": "61ecb374-d181-4ca9-8cf8-e2c896e96cb6"
        "appointmentUniqueId": "1f509187-a9ab-4278-870b-f7ce56881d86"
        "appointmentUniqueId": "b3af82e3-ca39-441a-a30f-a118f0de56b4"
    "pageIndex": 1,
    "pageSize": 4,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "totalPages": 3,
    "totalCount": 10


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
id String Unique identifier of a patient
pageIndex Numeric (optional) Page number you want to fetch. Example: 1, 2, 3. Default value is 1
pageSize Numeric (optional) Number of records a page will contain max. Default value is 10


Field Type Description
results Array Contains results object
pageIndex Numeric Page number you are currently in.
pageSize Numeric Number of records in the current page.
hasNextPage Boolean True if there are more records after this collections.
hasPreviousPage Boolean True if there are more records before this collections.
totalPages Numeric Number of pages available.
totalCount Numeric Number of records available in total.
doctorId String Doctor unique identifier in DRX Platform.
doctorFirstName String Doctor's first name.
doctorLastName String Doctor's last name.
patientId String Patient unique identifier in DRX Platform.
patientFirstName String Patient's first name.
patientLastName String Patient's last name.
appointmentUniqueId String An appointment unique identifier in DRX Platform.
createdOn DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for record creation time.
scheduledAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment schedule time.
endAt DateTime An ISO/UTC stamp for appointment end time.
type String Appointment type. Valid types are: "VideoCall", "InPerson" & "Treatment"

Book an appointment

# Here is a curl example
curl --location 'https://localhost:44343/drx-connect/appointment/bookappointment' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: 3DCC37374DA04A3784787D1C0324184D' \
--data-raw '{
    "startOnUtc": "2024-01-18T04:45:00Z",
    "doctor_id": "DRX0000005",
    "patient": {
        "patientName": "Tommy Hiller",
        "gender": "Male",
        "dateOfBirth": "1996-12-01",
        "phoneNumber": "+880XXXXXXXX",
        "email": ""

To book an appointment you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Result example :

    "message": "Appointment Created"


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
startOnUtc DateTime Start time of the appointment. Slot can be fetched from Doctor's appointment slot
doctor_id String Doctor's unique identifier
patient Object Patient details goes here
patientName String (patient.patientName) Name of the patient.
gender String (patient.gender) Gender of the patient.
dateOfBirth DateOnly (patient.dateOfBirth) Date of birth of the patient.
phoneNumber DateOnly (patient.phoneNumber) Phone number of the patient.
email DateOnly [Optional] ( Email address of the patient.


Field Type Description
message String Contains message even if success or failure.
appoitnment Object Appointment object. All the paramaters has been described in the appointment fetch endpoint

Cancel an appointment

# Here is a curl example
curl --location 'https://localhost:44343/drx-connect/appointment/cancelappointment' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \
--data '{
    "uid" : "3f57bf3a-15f1-4a42-a7f3-447f69ea8fa2",
    "reason" : "too Sick"

To cancel an appointment you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Result example :

    "success": true,
    "operation_executed_on": "2023-12-05T12:38:53.5488429Z",


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
uid String Unique identifier of an appointment
reason String (optional) Specify why this appointment is cancelled


Field Type Description
success Boolean True is appointment is cancelled
operation_executed_on DateTime An ISO/UTC timestamp indicates when the operation was executed.
appoitnment Object Appointment object. All the paramaters has been described in the appointment fetch endpoint

Mark an appointment as checked-in

# Here is a curl example
curl --location '' \
--header 'Referer:' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'api-key: E58361E156894EFBBD037A607B6FBD58' \
--data '{
    "uid" : "b3af82e3-ca39-441a-a30f-a118f0de56b4",
    "Session_minute" : 10

To get a patient's details you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Result example :

    "success": true,
    "operation_executed_on": "2023-12-05T12:38:53.5488429Z",


Field Type Description
api-key String Your API key. Follow the top instruction to retrieve an Api Key


Field Type Description
uid String Unique identifier of an appointment
session_minute Numeric (optional) Total number of minutes this session has taken. Only integer value is accepted


Field Type Description
success Boolean True is appointment is cancelled
operation_executed_on DateTime An ISO/UTC timestamp indicates when the operation was executed.
appoitnment Object Appointment object. All the paramaters has been described in the appointment fetch endpoint


The DRX Connect API uses the following status codes:

STATUS Code Meaning
200 Successful execution of a request. Response body will contain JSON object
401 Unknown or invalid api-key. This error appears if you use an unknow API key or if your API key expired.
401 Invalid api-key for this domain. This error appears if you use an API key non specified for your domain.
400 When any of your requested Parameters are invalid.